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Graffiti Removal

Graffiti Removal

Keeping businesses and homes graffiti-free in Seattle.


Seattle Graffiti Removal Service

At Graffiti Busters we know that the best graffiti deterrent is immediate graffiti removal. Trust the expert technicians at Graffiti Busters to remove graffiti from your property.

Our technicians have the knowledge, experience and resources to tackle any graffiti removal job. We service Seattle, Tacoma, Bellevue and the entire Puget Sound region, offering unmatched service for all our customers.


Before and After

Graffiti Removal Service

If you have graffiti problems, Graffiti Busters is here to help.

We can remove your unwanted graffiti, utilizing industry-leading equipment, cleaning solutions and removal techniques. No job is too tough for us!

We remove graffiti from brick, stone, concrete, sandstone, slate, marble, stucco, wood, cars, trucks, signs, plastics and terra cotta.

No job is too big or too small for Graffiti Busters. We are the Pacific Northwest’s leading graffiti removal company. We have contracts for graffiti removal with many of the local cities.

At Graffiti Busters, we know that the key to successful removal is using safe and proven cleaning methods combined with properly trained and experienced technicians using the very best equipment. Remember that the best graffiti deterrent is immediate graffiti removal.

The Seattle Graffiti Nuisance Ordinance

Adopted in 1994, the Graffiti Nuisance Ordinance is a Seattle law that requires property owners to remove graffiti in a timely manner.

A failure to do so means the property is considered a nuisance, and is dealt with through the following steps by the Seattle Public Utilities:

Letter to the Property Owner

Once a property has been identified as a potential graffiti nuisance, usually through a call to the Graffiti Report Line, SPU sends an informational letter to the property owner. The letter requests the property owner to remove the graffiti with a reasonable amount of time (10 days after receiving the letter) or be subject to potential fines.

The letter includes information about how to remove graffiti and offers resources for free paint.

Property Declared a Nuisance

If the graffiti is not removed within the specified time, the property is declared a graffiti nuisance. The property owner (or responsible party) is served official notice, either personally or by certified mail.

The notice must also be posted on the property. The graffiti must be removed within 10 calendar days after receipt of the notice.

Party is Served Civil Notice

If the graffiti is still not removed 10 days after the official notice has been posted, the responsible party is served a notice of civil violation and hearing directing them to appear before the City’s Hearing Examiner. The hearing must be held between 10 and 30 calendar days from the date the notice is issued.

If the graffiti is removed at least 48 hours prior to the hearing, the hearing will be canceled and no monetary penalty will be assessed.

Monetary Penalties Assessed

The Hearing Examiner will assess monetary penalties of up to $100 per day, with a maximum of $5,000, beginning on the correction date (10 calendar days after the receipt of the official notice), or on a subsequent date set by the Hearing Examiner.

seattle property maintenance

Seattle's Graffiti Problem

What is Graffiti?

Graffiti is writing or drawings made on a wall or other surface, usually as a form of artistic expression, without permission and within public view. In modern times, graffiti usually done with spray paint or marker pens.

In the Seattle area, graffiti most commonly appears on the following structures:

  • Apartment complexes
  • Brick walls
  • Bridges
  • Churches
  • College campuses
  • Fences
  • Murals
  • Restaurants

Tagger Graffiti

This is the majority of graffiti. A tagger adopts a nickname (or “tag”) and then writes on public and private property. Tagger writing usually resembles handwriting and is sometimes so stylized that it is difficult to read.

Letters are commonly intertwined and cartoon-type drawing often accompanies a tag. Tagger graffiti is not territorial since the taggers are determined to place as many tags as possible throughout an area to seek recognition among their peers.

Gang Graffiti

This is the written language of gangs. It can be used to communicate, challenge, make statements or even serve as a roll call. Gang graffiti is usually territorial. Only a small amount of graffiti is gang related.

Graffiti vandals sometimes tag as part of a group or “crew”. Most crew graffiti show the tag name and tag crew. A tag crew can be identified by the initials scrawled somewhere along the tag. There are usually three initials, but sometimes four or two.

Thrill Seekers

Thrill seeking is another motivating factor for some graffiti vandals. Taggers often damage property quite simply for the thrill of overcoming the fear of getting caught and in some cases the fear of high places.

Although this sounds odd to most adults, it can be a strong motivator for taggers – most of whom are under 18 years old.

The Best Solution

At Graffiti Busters, we know that the key to successful removal is using safe and proven cleaning methods combined with properly trained and experienced technicians using the very best equipment. Remember that the best graffiti deterrent is immediate graffiti removal.